REVU User’s Guide


About REVU

New in REVU 2.3.1

Installing and Running REVU

Keeping Up To Date with REVU

Installing REVU

Downloading the Latest Version of REVU

Downloading the Latest Patch for HYPACT

Preparing to Compile REVU

Compiling REVU

Installing REVU

Cleaning the REVU Installation

Running REVU

REVU Test Runs

Preparing the Test Run

Viewing with NCAR Graphics

Viewing with Vis5D

Viewing with GrADS

Output to GRIB

Dumping 2 and 3-D Fields

Grabbing Point Data

Reporting Bugs in REVU

Future Developments in REVU

REVU Configuration Parameters

REVU_IN Namelists

$CONTROL Namelist

$GRAB Namelist

$GLL Namelist

$STATS Namelist

REVU Variables for Plotting or Output

3-D Atmospheric Variables

2-D Variables

LEAF Variables

REVU Input Files



REVU Output Files