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FAQ: RAMS and the GPL

Any questions not adressed here?
Please send them to: tremback @atmet.com

Where can I read the GPL?

You can read the actual license here. On this page is a link to a general GPL FAQ.

I Am Not A Lawyer! What does the GPL really say?

To summarize, the GPL actually is a distribution license. You can access a GPL code and do whatever with it what you wish, except redistribute the code. If you wish to redistribute the code, then you must follow the restrictions of the GPL.

What are these restrictions? Simply:

  1. All redistributed code must be also covered by the GPL.
  2. You may distribute the code unmodified.
  3. You may distribute modified versions, but any modifications must be covered by the GPL or compatible license. This includes any additional libraries that may be linked into the code.
  4. If you distribute modified code, each modified file must contain a notice of when and what has been changed
  5. You may use GPL code in another application, but that application must also be distributed under the GPL.
  6. If you distribute object or executable binaries, you must make the source code available.

I have an existing RAMS license. What should I do?

You have the choice of abiding by the license you have or re-registering under the GPL. We recommend re-registering since the GPL has fewer restrictions (and it gives us a chance to get updated contact info!).

How will RAMS be distributed?

ATMET will continue to host the distribution through our web site. We will be setting up a registration page. Once registered, you will be directed to a top level distribution page. This distribution page will then have links to the available versions, whether they be at ATMET, CSU, or other places.

I want to distribute my own version of RAMS with XXXXX features. Can I do it by myself?

There is nothing in the GPL to prohibit this, but we are strongly recommending that distribution be centralized through our web site. We will have more info on how to do this in the near future. In the meantime, please contact us.

I want to give my modified copy of RAMS to only a single colleague. Don't I have to make GPL software available to anyone who asks?

No. You may distribute to only those you want to distribute to, as long as the GPL distribution requirements above are followed.

If I download RAMS for free, will I get support for free?

In actuality, release of software under an open source license involves participation of the community. ATMET will continue to host the RAMS mailing list and hopefully the community will assist in providing help to new users.

Will support still be available on a fee basis?

ATMET will continue to provide support contracts as we have done in the past. We plan to have a web-based registration and a new fee structure. Watch for details in the near future.

If anyone can redistribute RAMS, isn't there the potential of many different versions floating around, like some other models (which will remain nameless)?

Yes, there is. That is why we are recommending cooperation and distribution through a central location.