
Monday 22 May

9:00 am 
Session 1
Regional and Global Climate Applications
9:00 am 
Use of RAMS as a Component in Modeling the Earths Climate System
Roger A. Pielke Sr. - Colorado State University
9:25 am 
Simulations of Arctic Cloud Interactions with Aerosol-Implications to Climate
William R. Cotton - Colorado State Univ.
9:50 am 
Regional Climate Modeling of East Asian Region Based on RAMS
Seita Emori - National Institute for Environmental Studies
10:45 am 
The Response of the North American Monsoon to Boundary and Regional Forcing Mechanisms as Simulated by ClimRAMS: A Proposed NOAA/PACS Study
Christopher L. Castro - Colorado State University
11:10 am 
Using CSU RAMS to Simulate Seasonal and Daily Precipitation in Colombia
Saul Marin - Colorado State University
1:20 pm 
Session 2
Precipitation Applications
1:20 pm 
Sensitivity of Heavy-Rain Simulation to the Treatment of Model Physics
Tae-Young Lee - Yonsei Univ. (Korea)
1:45 pm 
A validation of the RAMS mesoscale analysis during the WET/AMC-LBA campaign in Rondonia/Brazil - January/February 1999
Pedro L. Silva Dias - University of São Paulo
2:35 pm 
The Effect Of Convective Parameterization and Model Resolution On Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts Of Extreme Rainfall Events
Debbie Abbs - CSIRO Atmospheric Research
3:15 pm 
Severe Weather & The Built Environment
Debbie Abbs - CSIRO Atmospheric Research
4:05 pm 
Session 3a
Air Quality Applications
4:05 pm 
Coupled Acid Deposition Model and Its Application to Regional Acid Deposition Problems in East Asia
Tae-Young Lee - Yonsei Univ. (Korea)
4:30 pm 
Mesoscale studies of desert aerosol transport and some of its environmental effects (radiative, mixing with other species)
Frederic Pradelle - LaMP - Universite Clermont II

Tuesday 23 May

8:30 am 
Session 3b
Air Quality Applications
8:30 am 
Using RAMS for Meteorological Input into Dispersion and Photochemical Models for the El Paso, Texas Region
Randy Evans - ENSCO, Inc.
8:55 am 
Analyzing the Planetary Boundary Layer in Transport & Diffusion Modeling: A Four Algorithm Comparison
Devin Dean - US Air Force
9:20 am 
Modeling of the mercury cycle in the atmosphere with RAMS
George Kallos - University of Athens
9:45 am 
Application of RAMS 4.28 to transboundary air pollution studies in East Asia by Pentium Linux Cluster- Performance, Tips and Problems
Itsushi Uno - Research Inst. Applied Mechanics, Kyushu Univ.
Application of RAMS 4.28 to transboundary air pollution studies in East Asia...
10:45 am 
A Numerical Study of the Effects of Large Eddies on Photochemistry in the Convective Boundary Layer
Jerold A. Herwehe - NOAA/ARL/ATDD
11:10 am 
Gas diffusion from an area source over the sea
Dr.Ryohji Ohba - MHI
11:35 am 
Mesoscale studies of the chemical species redistribution using RAMS
Sylvie Cautenet - LaMP - Universite Clermont
1:15 pm 
Session 4
RAMS Development
1:20 pm 
RAMS Version 4.2, 4.3, and Beyond: Recent and Future Developments
Robert Walko and Craig Tremback - MRC/*ASTER
RAMS Version 4.2, 4.3, and Beyond: Recent and Future Developments RAMS Version 4.2, 4.3, and Beyond: Recent and Future Developments
2:30 pm 
RAMS and Parallel Computing
Craig Tremback - MRC/*ASTER
RAMS and Parallel Computing
3:15 pm 
Definitions and Issues with RAMS Topography and the Vertical Grid Structure
Marty Bell, Mike Weissbluth and Robert Walko - MRC/*ASTER
Definitions and Issues with RAMS Topography and the Vertical Grid Structure
3:45 pm 
New Capabilities and Developments for HYPACT
Marty Bell - MRC/*ASTER
New Capabilities and Developments for HYPACT
4:15 pm 
MOCCA: Model Operation, Configuration, and Control Architecture
Mike Weissbluth - MRC/*ASTER
MOCCA: Model Operation, Configuration, and Control Architecture

Wednesday 24 May

8:30 am 
Session 5
Land Cover Sensitivity Studies
8:30 am 
Performances of the operational RAMS in a Mediterranean region as regards to quantitative precipitation forecasts. Sensitivity of precipitation and wind forecasts to the representation of the land cover.
Massimiliano Pasqui - CNR IATA
Performances of the operational RAMS in a Mediterranean region...
8:55 am 
Accounting For Subgrid Snow Distributions In RAMS
Dr. Glen E. Liston - Colorado State University
9:20 am 
Atmospheric Disturbances Caused by Human Modification of the Landscape
Somnath Baidya Roy - Rutgers University
9:45 am 
The impacts of landscape heterogeneities on the atmosphere: A RAMS sensitivity analysis.
Christopher P. Weaver - Rutgers
10:45 am 
The effect of urban heat island over the local circulation in Sao Paulo - Brazil
Pedro L. Silva Dias - University of São Paulo
11:10 am 
Interactions Between Landscape Structure and Local Climate - A Numerical Study Using RAMS
Natalia Hasler - Swiss Federal Institution of Technology
11:35 am 
Computer Modeling Of The Caribbean Atmospheric Dynamics
Jorge E. Gonzalez - University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez
1:15 pm 
Session 6
RAMS and Coupled Models
1:15 pm 
Use of RAMS in Studies of Radar Propagation in Coastal Environments
Charles E. Schemm - Johns Hopkins University
1:40 pm 
Coupling parallel RAMS to an explicit photosynthesis plant model
Joseph Lee Eastman - University of New Mexico
2:30 pm 
A Coupled Lake-atmosphere Model (CLAM) and Its Application to Lake Kinneret
Hai Pan - Center for Environmental Prediction, Rutgers University
2:55 pm 
Workshop Discussion
Workshop Discussion